Major funding for Tristate Developmental Services comes from members of our community, public grants and contributions from supporters like you. We rely on support so that we can continue to expand and improve our services. We strive to provide our community members all the resources they seek for an enriching lifestyle with as little or no financial strain on our participants and their families. We couldn’t have gotten this far without your generous contributions. No matter how large or small, your contribution is highly appreciated and allows us to expand and improve our services.
Bronze Level Sponsor
Donation of $100-$249 = Sponsors will receive a social media acknowledgement or "shout out" thanking you or your business.
Silver Level Sponsor
Donation of $250-$499 = Along with the benefits of the bronze level sponsor, you will receive a framed letter of acknowledgment and thanks to display in your business, and your name will be listed on our web sponsors page.
Gold Level
Donation of $500-$4999 = Bronze level and silver level benefits along with your business name or logo on a sign displayed at our sporting events and name or logo on our marketing material.
Platinum Level
Donation of $5000+ = All lower level benefits plus naming rights to an event or activity we offer and emails sent to all our participants thanking and promoting your business.