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Stay in the Know


Goodwill Industries of KYOWVA in Huntington is offering a free Life Skills training course for Tristate Developmental Services participants. Although an exact time has not yet been announced, it will be approximately a 6 hour course on Thursday, August 12, 2021. It is available to those 13 and older and all ranges of ability. The training is free of charge for participants. The day will be spent in their life skills lab covering topics that involve every day living, such as how to read a recipe, cooking, setting up and following a budget. These are just a few examples, but there is so much more to benefit from. Don't miss out! Contact us in person or at if you're interested.

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Our featured player is Scott Thomas Huff! Always smiling, Scott Thomas is a great ball player and he should be, after all, it is his favorite sport! While not a fan of chores and homework, he loves video games, playing on his phone and Spongebob. He enjoys playing board games with his mom and giving her a wrestling "smack down!" He's just an all-around great guy.

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This week's featured player is Bryson Pine! He is a dedicated 7 year old ball player with aspirations to be a police officer one day. He enjoys video games and playing outside. Bryson loves the color blue, but vegetables not so much. Way to go, Bryson!

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